Interior design bathroom material palette and completed shower room


Tailored-To-You Interior Design Packages

The numerous decisions involved in a project can seem like an intense maze, but with experience and candour, we strive to make the process efficient and exciting.

Caitlin Miller Interiors caters to a wide range of scale, scope, and budgets. Once an initial brief is established, a proposal of services is provided where you can pick and choose exactly what assistance you require - whether it be full service interior design and project management or concise direction and advice.

Examples of services could include:

  • Initial concepts for look and feeling, including layouts and direction for interior architectural elements and furnishings

  • Specific selections, detailed drawings, and budget breakdown 

  • Tender packages showing all interior architectural work as well as materials, hardware, plumbing fixtures, lighting, and furnishings

  • Managing on site, coordinating with all project consultants, procuring all items, overseeing delivery and installation of entire project

We can also assist in planning permissions and various approvals and certificates as required. 

Consultancy Services

An ideal package for clients new to interior design or looking to manage a project themselves. We offer a consultancy package from £550 where you can meet with Caitlin for up to 2 hours for support and guidance regarding any questions you may have on your project. This could include recommendations on layouts, direction on overall feeling for furniture, lighting, materials, and palette, along with styling tips. 

Prior to this consultation, you will complete a new client form to ensure our time together is as efficient and productive as possible. Following the meeting, Caitlin will share a debrief of the consultation, which outlines her ideas and includes some suggested suppliers. If you would like to engage Caitlin for additional services, the consultancy fee would be deducted from a more detailed proposal.

Virtual Consultancy

Similar to the above consultancy package, but all correspondence is done virtually. Caitlin has been able to successfully advise clients locally as well as internationally from the comfort of their own home.

Caitlin Miller Interiors studio and process work with interior design sketching and material boards